Monday, November 1, 2010
Take my advice...I don't use it anyway Part soixante-dix-sept
WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY ABOUT YOU IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS - Right I never do this, but I'm gonna speak personally here for a won't happen again so don't get used to it. I write a pretty, shall we say, 'out there' blog. I am also not what you would call a 'wallflower'. Some people will get me, many won't. I can't care about that otherwise it will send me stir crazy. Imagine if I heard everything that gets said about me? I'd probably throw myself off the nearest tall building ... (we have a whole SEVEN of those to choose from here in Perth) My point is, with the good comes the bad. With the lovers come the haters. If you aren't somebody who fades into the background then people will have opinions of you and not all of them will be positive. I wouldn't say don't care what people say about you, because I think a certain amount of criticism is a positive thing. As long as YOU are happy with yourself...and lets be honest, we always know what we wanna change. Surround yourself with good, non 'people pleasers' and listen to your intuition. The rest can go fuck themselves. So if you have non love for the Owl and you are reading this...then my message to you is, 'Hey there! Thanks for reading toots'
GIRLS: STOP CALLING OTHER GIRLS 'SLUTS' - As if we don't get enough of that from dudes. Where has all the sisterhood love gone hmm? Yeah I get the vicious slang if some bird has shagged your man, but 'slut'? Really? Just 'cause a girl gets a bit silky with the fellas and likes to take the odd lover, if she isn't hurting anybody whats the problem? These girls are not sluts...THIS is a slut ...
DON'T BE A DUMB ASS - Learn to change a tire. Learn how to cook. Stop losing shit and then making it everyone else's problem. You wanna be independent? Big word. There's a lot to it.
WHO HAS A 'FRIEND' ON FACEBOOK THAT ALWAYS SAYS THAT 'YOU MUST CATCH UP' AND THEY 'MISS YOUR FACE' BUT WHEN YOU SEE THEM OUT THEY ACT LIKE A STRANGER?? - Beware of social leeches. Social networks make it so easy to be best friends with everyone, but sometimes it's better to go back to basics and actually have some human contact from time to time. *sarcastic vibe if you don't know that by now.
SOMETIMES WHEN YOU ARE GOING THROUGH A ROUGH TIME, YOU MAY THINK THAT EVERYONE ELSE AROUND YOU IS LIVING THE LIFE OF RILEY - But they might just be giving that impression because they don't want to burden you with their shit because you are already such a miserable so and so. Not everything is always as they seem...actually, nothing is.
I'm not tryna claim perfection you know...some of these advice posts are letters to myself.
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Hey Owl, I think you are rad and I love your advice. Keep it coming. K
Thanks love x
yes, you're very very right.
you're a she-ro Owlie!! keep writing and i'll keep wishing you were my bestie.
loving the inclusion of the word 'silky'.
xx I have no words for that picture LOL
Argh I so agree with the slut thing. It's such a horrible word and yet people use it all the time. It makes me cringe when I hear anyone use it, but especially when girls say it because it's just so vulgar and nasty. I'd rather hear the C bomb than "slut" because as far as I'm concerbed "cunt" is just a really in-your-face way of saying vagina while slut is a really in-your-face way of saying "a women who has had sex with multiple people, and is really quite disgusting because of it".
This made my day. I stopped caring what people thought about me this year and I feel so much better for it.
I also think you seem like a lovely person so all your haters can go fuck themselves.
HAHA, thanks ya'll xx
screw the haters! great post <3
anymore teenage advice coming? I'm 14, have braces, and get huge crushes on guys. I wish i had a boyfriend, (or friends who are boys) but don't see it happening til the braces are off :(
oh darling, I had braces till I was 16...I promise it's not the braces. 'cause when they come off, you will just find another excuse. Here's a little one on one advice...teenage boys are dorks. Don't even bother with it. Just be yourself, be nice and make the most of everything you got to offer. Don't put pressure on yourself to be mates with will come in time...then you will wish they would all just fuck off! Seriously, be cool. It'll happen. Braces or no braces. Heck, my friend who is 25 is dating a 19 year old with braces and he loves her to pieces. Boys are awkward little creatures, don't spend too much time worrying about them. Big love xx
thanks for the advice, Owl :)
I love your blog.
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