Sunday, July 24, 2011


Around 6 or so months ago I went on a bit of an Amy Winehouse binge on youtube. I just found her so fascinating. We bandy around the terms 'troubled artist' 'tortured soul' and um, 'crackhead' but the fact of the matter is, she knew more than us. She sang the blues so well because she knew it so well. Too much wisdom and too much perception is what hounded this ladies thoughts at all hours at all times. This is an interview with her I had bookmarked...there were many paparazzi style ones of her being hounded looking worse for wear and a few that her and old mate Pete Doherty had filmed themselves when they were off tits, but I liked this one of her looking happy, talking about her music and having a laugh. It just seemed a more accurate insight to the real girl.

Gonna miss ya lady.


Ruby Velour said...

Such a tragic situation. You are so right, she couldn't sing like she did without having something dark in her heart to make it sound so truthful.

RIP Amy!

Desiree said...

Bless her. Always loved her for being bonkers. She did have such a masculine but vulnerable energy. Not everyone is meant to grow old, be happy or live the nuclear family dream - just hope she finds more peace in the next phase of her journey. Rest easy Amy - You did good girlfriend. Damn good.